Sondra Faas NPC Bodybuilding
How did you get interested in
bodybuilding/working out?
Always loved to be strong and just started lifting weights and got hooked.
How was your first show like, any interesting experiences?
I was 107lbs, I took 2nd place, and 1st in the couples.
What do you like and dislike about competing?
My likes is the attention being on stage, dislikes not sure of what
they are looking for and espeicailly the last 3 weeks of the diet. Also
the drawn in face. Dont like that to much.
What are your future goals in this industry?
I would like to become pro and want to start private personal training
business and go to school for massage therapy.
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
the same as I wrote above and still competing.
Please tell us something special about you that most people
wouldn't know?
When I set my mind to something I give it all I have to get there. I
dont give up easy. I guess you cant when doing body building. Even if
I dont place 1st the personal feeling of doing better than the year
before is gratifying.
Any additional notes? People you would like to thank?
I would like to thank my photographer and vidoe guy Tim Herman and Glen
M, (my very best freinds) there is nothing I wouldn't do for these guys,
they have been there for me through everything and put up with me along
with Dan and Joel two sweethearts that have great patients and if I
call they come to help. I would like to thank Robert and Denise Masino
for putting me in there mag and getting me noticed also for there input
on diet and training for contests. They have dont a lot for me. I would
thank Vilma Caez for helping me the last few years with the diet and
trainign to get me up further in the placeing even when she didnt even
see what I looked like. until the week of the show. We dont live in
the same states but she has been on the phone and e-mail even when she
was preparing for the Ms O. She's been a huge help in that area and
a very good friend. I will love her always for all she has done and
will get me to reach my goal. Chris Bennett who has helped me through
the years. Bill from Rhode Island thank you for all your help this year
I would like to thank my martial arts instructer Scott Miller for the
use and teaching me martial arts.
I would like to thank Chuck and jim the guys who put together the haunted
mansion in our area for letting me use it and beign in my video that
was awsome, Mike M. and son same name for the use of there pythons in
a shoot and mike Jr for helping me with some video to show my power
for my site I look forwarded to doing more with him.
I would like to thank Body Max Gym in Hopewll Jct NY for giving me the
key to the place to use it after hours on the weekends to train and
for photo shoots when I needed for letting me work out for no cost.
These people play a huge part in my life and will always be in my heart
for life. I hope I didnt forget anyone. I will be competing in the North
american next year 2005.
Competition History:
-1st and over all Body Rock 95 and 97
-5th Jr nationals 97
-1998 NPC National Championships 18th
-1999 NPC National Championships 12th
-2000 NPC National Championships 15th
-2001 NPC USA Championships Heavyweight
-2002 NPC Junior USA Championships Middleweight 4th
-2002 Amateur grand prix 1st and Overall
-2003 NPC National Championships Middleweight 11th
-2004 NPC Nationals Light Heavyweight 8th

Sondra Faas
Date of Birth: 02/28
Born/Grew up in: Upstate NY
Current Residence: Poughkeepsie NY
Marital Status: Divorced
Height: 5'0"
Weight: on season 132 off season between 147-157
Current Occupation: self employed
Favorite Hobby: martial arts
Favorite Food: anything with peanutbutter and
Favorite Music: alternative rock, rock, r&b I
like most music
Best Bodypart: back
Years Training: 14
Email: sondrafaas@hotmail.com
Website: www.sfaas.com