November 18th & 19th, 2005 Atlanta, GA
Women's Fitness
Over 5'4-1/2"
One-Piece Swimsuit Fitness Round Fitness Round   Two-Piece Swimsuit FINAL
            Sub-total     TOTAL FINAL
NUMBER CONSTESTANT Score Place Score Place Score Place Score Score Place SCORE PLACE
51 Jennifer Cassetty* 16 3 5 1 5 1 26 20 4 46 1
52 April Jacobs* 17 4 9 2 9 2 35 15 3 50 2
45 Alissa Carpio 5 1 28 6 28 6 61 5 1 66 3
54 Lauren Polk 11 2 23 5 23 5 57 11 2 68 4
49 Theresa Hendricks 35 7 16 3 16 3 67 34 7 101 5
53 Susan Aukerman 28 6 29 7 29 7 86 33 6 119 6
48 Leslie Rae Newton 40 8 20 4 20 4 80 40 8 120 7
46 Sara Krajnik 27 5 37 8 37 8 101 25 5 126 8
50 Christeena Lockwood 50 10 45 9 45 9 140 45 9 185 9
* Qualified For IFBB Pro Card
Judges for this class at Prejudging Judge's score eliminates the 3 high and the 3 low scores
1 Peter W. Potter
2 John Kemper
3 John Tuman
4 Debbie Albert
5 Sandy Ranali
6 Jim Rockell
7 Gary Udit
8 Steve Weinberger
9 Matt Crane
10 Art Bedway
11 Linda Lafarve