Andrea Dumon NPC Figure
How did you get interested in
bodybuilding/working out?
I have always been active in sports and fitness but it wasn't until
I saw the likes of Monica Brant and Kelly Ryan that got me hooked. I
loved the the fit and athletic look and the routines were amazing so
I thought I'd give it a try. I found out that I wasn't cut out for the
fitness routine part of it all but could hold my own with the physique
round. I did a few fitness shows and wound up tearing my calf pretty
bad, so I retired the fitness shoes but kept the heels and stuck to
figure! I absolutely love this sport and the people involved are the
most hard working and motivated people I've ever met. It is such a privilege
and pleasure to be amongst this community!
What was your first show like, any interesting experiences?
My first show was so exciting and scary at the same time. I was so worried
about walking in those shoes and I wasn't quite sure how to pose right.
I just kind of mimicked the other girls on stage and winged it but I
must've done well because I took 3rd in my class at that show! I think
I even slept with my trophy that night because I was so happy!!
What do you like and dislike about competing?
I am a very focused person and set goals for myself and competing let's
me do that. It keeps me focused and gives such a great feeling of self
worth and accomplishment when I achieve my goals. I love the girls that
I meet and the bonds that we create. What do I dislike...the fact that
I do become somewhat anti-social and not go out as much due to diet
constraints, tiredness, etc. It is hard for my friends and family who
don't quite understand, they get on me a little for not being social.
It is a sacrifice but in the end it is worth it because I have a strong
and healthy mind and body as a result of my choices!!
What are your future goals in this industry?
I would like to take as far as I can go! I will do the national shows
this year and see how I do. Of course I would love to get my pro card,
that is a major goal for me and if I do it this year or in five years...I
will get it!!
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
Still competing, possibly..!! Seriously, I will still be in the fitness
industry...personal training, consulting, and maybe even teaching! I
run a summer program for teen girls that focuses on fitness, self esteem,
and personal growth. I'd like to take that up a notch and create a community
outreach program of some sorts that deals with these issues. I also
plan on starting a family in the next few years with my husband, I am
anxious to see what kind of fitness nuts we will create!!
Please tell us something special about you that most people
wouldn't know?
I am very modest, but I will admit that I can sing (I started as a voice
major in college) and missed the age cutoff off for American Idol (haha)
but am so shy about it that I get stage fright if asked to sing for
others!! You'll have to put an ear to the bathroom door to hear me singing
because I am best while taking a shower!!
Any additional notes? People you would like to thank?
I would to thank my husband, David. We started dating a few months before
my first show so when I got to the off season and was able to let loose
a little he didn't quite know how to take me. He hadn't seen the "wild"
side to me, it was quite comical!! But he has been wonderful, from the
protanning fiascos to the dietary mood swings, he puts up with me! He
is my biggest fan and support! I would also like to thank my sponsor
Max Muscle of Arizona. They created a Team Arizona and I was honored
to become one of the first ones on the team. They have been wonderful
and have kept me literally "built" up with their awesome products and
Competition History:
-2001: AZ Open 3rd figure short
-2001: AZ Western Regional 2nd fitness short
-2002: AZ House of Fitness 5th figure short
-2002: AZ NPC Open 1st fitness short, 1st figure short and overall winner.
-2004: AZ NPC Open 5th figure A class
-2004: AZ Western Regional 2nd figure A class
-2005: Iron Man Obusforme Figure 4th figure A class

Andrea Dumon
Date of Birth: June 5th
Born/Grew up in: Born in Walla Walla, WA (yes...it
exist!!) but grew up in Tacoma/Seattle, WA
Current Residence: Phoenix, AZ
Marital Status:Happily married!!
Weight:115 off season/ 107-110 competition
Current Occupation: Athletic Trainer and fitness
professional (I own my own fitness business)
Favorite Hobby: How about hobbies...working out
(duh!!), reading (I'm a total bookworm), movies, hiking, cooking
(I love to experiment and be creative especially when dieting
so the diet isn't always so boring!!)
Best Bodypart: Everyone says my calves and abs...I
love to train my shoulders and glutes the most, though. I don't
work my calves at all...they are just very genetic!
Favorite Food: I love Asian food...Japanese,
Thai, Chinese...I like it best when it is fresh food and made
healthy, though...and I love sushi!!
Years Training: 10+ years
Email: andreadumon@cox.net
Website: Working on it but will come soon!!