Gail Sanez Tri Fitness

How did you get interested in bodybuilding/working out?

I started gymnastics when I was 8 years old... and I've continued to train ever since! I guess the athletic blood still flows through my body?!

How was your first show like, any interesting experiences?

My first show is called the Ultimate Fitness Success Challenge that Mocha Lee and Patti Franklin produce here in Virginia. It's a local small, but growing, show that incorporates 4 different events: the obstacle course challenge, skills challenge, fitness rountine, and of course the physique round. The obstacle course challenge was set up in a basketball court. I was wearing a brand new pair of Nike Shox... because the grip on those shoes are amazing! Well, I guess they were TOO amazing! As my legs were getting tired and heavy during the last stretch of the coarse, my shoe gripped the floor and I went tumbling on my head. The weird thing is I finished out the fall by doing a forward roll and stood right up like nothing ever happened! I had a pounding headache for the rest of the day and into the next!

What do you like and dislike about competing?

You know, I'm not a huge fan of having a panel of judges be the ones to score what your physique is worth. I believe that EVERYONE is beautiful in their own special ways. There are so many success stories that I've heard, both men and women, that have accomplished huge fitness goals to get to the point of competing. Depending on how you handle wins/ loses, competing can be both very incouraging and discouraging!

What are your future goals in this industry?

I'd like to use both health and fitness to reach out to television viewers who have goals to better themselves emotional, spiritally, and physically. My main passion is helping my clients reach and accomplish their health and fitness goals through personal training!

What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?

I see myself being a mother of at least 2 kids! I plan to continue my fitness career through personal training, TV, and modeling. I'd also keep your eyes opened for some sort of health and fitness cook book, too!

Please tell us something special about you that most people wouldn't know?

You know, I really don't try to hide anything about myself! I feel that if I have to hide or pretend, than I 'm not being who I truely am. The Lord has made each one of us in our own special ways. He has also given us the freedom to be whom He has created us to be. It's a matter of whether or not we choose to accept His freedom!

Any additional notes? People you would like to thank?

You get out of 'it' what you put into 'it'! 'Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding' in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.' 'Proverbs 3:5'6

-Featured in the July 2004 issue of Natural Muscle Magazine. -Featured on the cover of December 2004 issue of Natural Muscle Mag
-Featured on the cover of the 2005 February issue of Max Muscle -Featured on the March 2005 cover of Muscle and Fitness Hers -Featured on the cover of December 2005 Max Muscle Magazine -Featured in a Max Muscle's promotional ads' 2005

Competition History:
-I competed in the 2004 Fitness Success Challenge (obstacle course, fitness skills, and grace & physique). The skills challenge entails the max number of pull-ups you can do, push-ups in 60 seconds, a shuttle run, standing broad jump, and the max number of box jumps in 60 seconds. I placed 5th overall, 2nd in the Grace & Physique round, and 3rd in the skills challenge.
-Competed in the 2004 Womens Tri-Fitness held in Las Vegas . It also entails events such as the obstacle course, fitness skills, and grace & physique round. I placed 2nd in the Grace and Physique Round.
-Top 10 in 2005 Ms. Bikini America South Beach- April 1-3, 2005

Gail Sanez

Date of Birth: October 2, 1981
Born/Grew up in: Lynchburg, Virginia
Current Residence: Fairfax, Virginia
Marital Status: Married!
Height: 5'2'
Weight: 115 almost always (I don't really have an on/off season weight... my goal is to stay well balanced throughout)!
Current Occupation: Personal Trainer and Fitness Model
Favorite Hobby: Cooking and Baking
Favorite Food: Oooh! Do I have to pick just 1?! I love Pad Thai as a treat! Seafood, French Fries, Breads, Raw Veggies with Hummus, BBQ Chicken Pizza (easy on the cheese)!, Light Ice Creams, anything Peanut Butter,... the list could go on!
Favorite Music: Trance, Dance, and Christian Rock
Best Bodypart: I love training LEGS!
Years Training: 16 years!



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