Jane Awad IFBB Figure Pro
How did you get interested in
bodybuilding/working out?
I have always been involved in athletics and weight training was incorporated into our workouts. I really enjoy the feeling of working your muscles and seeing your body transform.
What was your first show like, any interesting experiences?
My first show was up in Canada. It was a Regional show in Brantford Ontario. I enjoyed the rush of competition and that was the show that got me hooked. I placed 2nd out of 13 competitors.
What do you like and dislike about competing?
I like that this sport is individual and whatever I put into in shows on stage. I try not to worry about disliking anything because it is negative energy. The sport is a very subjective one and the only person that you should be competing with is yourself. If you start to worry about what others are doing you will loose your focus.
What are your future goals in this industry?
Right now I am under contract with EAS and I would like to continue with them in the future. They are an amazing company that is very supportive of me and my goals. I am very lucky to have a great company behind me.
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
In 10 years I would like to have my own personal training studio.
Please tell us something special about you that most people
wouldn't know?
I am the fitness spokesperson for the Organ Donor and Tissue Awareness Charity. I am a firm believer that what you give out to others will always come back to you.
Any additional notes? People you would like to thank?
I would like to thank my family and friends for all their support. They are always there for me at my competitions and ready to cheer me on. My husband Danny is very supportive and knows that I have a passion for the sport and this lifestyle. He helps me a lot with mental focus and keeps me grounded. I would not be able to do all of this without his support. Thanks babe!
Competition History:
-South Central Ontario Championships June 2004 2nd
-Canadian Nationals 2004 11th place
-North American Championships 2004 1st place tall class and overall winner
-Arnold Schwartzeneger Classic 2005 Pro Debut, 7th Place finish
-Pittsburgh Pro Figure 2005, 10th Place
-California Pro Figure 2005, 9th Place
-Toronto Pro Figure 2005, 3rd Place, qualified for the Olympia

Jane Awad
Date of Birth: Oct. 12. 1970
Born/Grew up in: Canada
Current Residence: Brooklyn, NY
Marital Status: Married
Height: 5'7
Weight: 132
Current Occupation: Personal Trainer/ Endorsed
Athlete for EAS Supplement Company
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Food: In season: Egg whites and oatmeal
off season: Dinner at Spolini's Italian Restaurant
Favorite Music: All types
Best Bodypart: Legs
Years Training: 10
Email: janeawad@aol.com
Website: www.janeawad.com