Jean Jitomir NPC Figure/Bodybuilding
How did you get interested in
bodybuilding/working out?
In high school, my math teacher allowed us to convert his classroom into a make-shift weight room after school. I got really got into it during college, mostly to feel stronger and improve my self-confidence
How was your first show like, any interesting experiences?
My first show was wonderful! I was dieting for way too long (like 5 months) so I was much leaner than most people would be at their first show. I won the light weight class and the overall competition.
What do you like and dislike about competing?
I generally feel better when Im getting ready for a contest, so I actually like the process of dieting and watching myself grow leaner. I also enjoy the opportunity to go on stage show how a female body can look after practicing proper nutrition and intense training. My biggest qualms with competing are with those aspects that are just not healthy, like tanning. Can we say cancer? I did one contest just using products on completely pale skin. My tone looked all right because I am naturally a bit tawny, but nothing beats the color after a good base tan- that bothers me.
What are your future goals in this industry?
Since I have so much education in the areas of nutrition and exercise, I would like to establish myself as a reliable source of information for general weight loss and contest preparation. I am making the details of my entire contest preparation public, so that people who are just beginning can prepare for a contest in a rational way, while maintaining some sense of balance in their lives.
Im a little bit tiny to realistically expect a pro card in bodybuilding, and Im not willing to take androgens or any other illegal substance to get ready for contests, so I hope to continuously improve my symmetry and muscularity using my knowledge of nutrition, supplementation, and training.
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
My ten year plan has not been fully developed. Ill have my doctorate, not be living somewhere completely freezing and will work for myself in some capacity.
Please tell us something special about you that most people
wouldn't know?
I grew up in a Baptist church and attended services three times a week. Since I sang and played the piano, I was slated to become a preacher's wife before I rebelled by going to an Ivy League college.
Any additional notes? People you would like to thank?
I am blogging regularly on myspace, giving contest prep updates, nutrition tips and recipes:
http://blog.myspace.com/jeanjitomir People you would like to thank?
My family, Mr. Allard and Mrs. Higbie, Ron Chew, Victor Dean, Dr. Shiu'Ming Kuo, Dr. Darryn Willoughby, Dr. Richard Kreider and my very supportive friends
Competition History:
2006 NPC Heart of Texas Figure 4th Class A
2006 NPC Figure Nationals 14th Class A
2006 NPC Rochester Figure 1st Class A
2006 NPC Allentown Figure 7th Class A
2006 NPC Buffalo Bodybuilding 3rd Heavyweight
2005 Erie Tri-State Bodybuilding 1st Light Weight, 1st Overall
2005 JCC Bench Press Competition Best Lifter Women, Raw 145lb
2005 WNPF NYS Powerlifting Championship Best Lifter Women, 155 lb Raw, WNPF 123 lb weight class National Record
2005 Lewiston Bench Press Best Lifter Women, 160 lb Raw
2004 JCC Bench Press, Best Lifter Women
2004 Cornell University Bench Press Competition, Best Lifter Women

Jean Jitomir
Date of Birth: February 13, 2006 (Yeah, I'm usually a victim of the birthday/Valentine's dinner combo)
Born/Grew up in: Beaver Dams, NY
Current Residence: Waco, TX
Marital Status: Flying Solo
Height: 5' 2''
Weight: 120-130 off season, 110-115 ripped and ready
Current Occupation: Research Dietitian, PhD Student
Favorite Hobby: Oil Painting
Favorite Food: Slow-Roasted Veggies (onions, bell peppers, zucchini), Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
Favorite Music: Tony Braxton, The Doors, Patti Labelle, PJ Harvey, The Cult, Rachmaninov, Sheryl Crow, The Ramones, Nelly Furtado, Sarah McLachlan
Best Bodypart: Quads
Years Training: Roughly 4
Email: jeanjitomir@yahoo.com
Website: www.jeanjitomir.com