Rosa Maria Romero NPFC Figure
How did you get interested in
bodybuilding/working out?
I will always remember the day my brother introduced me to the gym. I was a participant in a Cardio Funk Class conducted by Marcus Irwin. I loved it so much, I became hooked and now I have taken it to the next level. Weights are a big part of my life and I love the changes weights training have made to my body. Im also excited about competing again this year.
How was your first show like, any interesting experiences?
The first show I ever extered was the WNSO-ANB National Championships in Australia. To my shock and surprise I won the Short Class Figure!!! My first comp a national title. That would have to go down as one of my most memorable experiences.
What do you like and dislike about competing?
There is nothing I dislike about competing. I absolutely love the sport and I am so passionate about what I do.
What are your future goals in this industry?
I am hoping to win the National title this year and then represent Australia Next Year at the World Championships.
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
I see myself sharing my knowledge with others and helping them achieve their goals. I hope to continue inspiring others to lead a healthy lifestyle. I would also like to ultimately earn my Pro-Card and be one of the best in the sport.
Please tell us something special about you that most people
wouldn't know?
My background is actually Spanish and I speak the language fluently!
Any additional notes? People you would like to thank?
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family, friends and fans for all the support and encouragement they give me. It is because of you that I am able to live my dream'
Competition History:
-NPFC/IFBB Ms Figure Australasia 2004 Runner Up
-NPFC/IFBB Ms Figure Australia 2003 Runner Up
-NPFC/IFBB Ms Figure NSW 1st Place
-WNSO-ANB Australian Short Class Figure National Champion!!!!!!
Rosa Maria Romero
Date of Birth: September 19
Born/Grew up in: Sydney, Australia
Current Residence: Australia
Marital Status: Married
Height: 166''
Weight: Off Season 60kg, Contest 55kg
Current Occupation: Flight Attendant, Personal Trainer, TV Presenter, Fitness Model.
Favorite Hobby: Dancing
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Music: Dance Music
Best Bodypart: Abs
Years Training: Ever since I can remember!
Email: rose@fitrose.com
Website: www.fitrose.com