20 Questions with Cover Model Aimee Cosban
1) Please introduce yourself? What makes you special? Who is Aimee Cosban?
I'm a small town girl with 3 older brothers and the only girl in the family. I am a full time graphic designer working an average of 55 to 70 hours a week. I am the small italian girl that will always surprise people with what I can accomplish. I am a very determined person and when I set myself on a goal, nothing will stop me and I will do everything in my power to accomplish it.
2) Please tell us a bit about your family, friends and surroundings?
Youngest in the family of four with three older brothers. Many of my friends are from college and a few from High-school and of corse the gym! I am also married to a great husband who supports me in every way to help me achieve me goals. I have two fur babies also known as cats. Cougar and Puma!
3) How did you start competing in bikini?
I have always been interested in the industry but never really knew how to get into it. I have been working out for years and one day my awesome coach Rebeca Oquendo approached me about training for a competition. We have been training together since.
4) What is your personal policy (not what the judges want) about conditioning and muscularity when coming into a show? Soft or hard?
I like to come in harder. I love seeing my abs!
5) What is your idea of what judges want in a bikini competitor? Do you think judges are clear enough with competitors about how they want you on stage? It seems in Europe they are very clear unlike in the USA and now in Canada things are confusing.
I believe that the judges are looking for a bikini competitor that has a great physique such as glutes, hams, dealts, a small waist but with a very confident sexy walk. Sometimes, I feel as though they are not clear where you see a winner the year before being more muscular and the next year much thinner. I think they need to be a little more clear on the conditioning of the competitors for bikini class.
6) For the next shows what do you think you need to work on physique-wise/conditioning-wise? If anything!
You can always improve and that is something I love about this sport. I am working on bringing my legs in a little harder than some previous shows. If you are not improving, you are just standing still.
7) What is your typical training routine in the gym (per day, include sets and reps!) How much cardio do you do before a show?
This all depends on how lean I am from a previous show. I work glutes three days a week and legs twice a week. I like to stay in the 15-20 rep range. I also train shoulders, tris, back and bis once a week. Cardio all depends on how close I am to a show but it can be twice a day. My training routine changes very often. My coach is very good with providing me with new training.
8) What is your pre-contest diet? (per day, 1 week before the show)
Each day is a little different leading up to the show such as lots of egg whites and tilapia. My coach is able to asses me each day to make changes when need be.
9) How do you go about dropping your water before the day of the show? How much water do you drink the day of the show. Please be specific.
This also depends on how much water I am retaining but many times we cut water a day or two before shows to help me dry out. This also changes depending on what my coach sees.
10) What motivates you to train/diet and compete? Are there any competitors you looked up to?
My motivation comes from seeing all of my progress and where I have started from. Seeing all the hard work that I have done and seeing it on stage motivates me to keep doing more. Competitors that I look up to are Nathalia Melo and Amanda Latona. They both have great glutes and are a little more muscular than other competitors out there.
11) Please tell us an interesting experience you had at a show recently, be it a fun thing or something rather not so fun?
Some of the great things about the shows is meeting a lot of the pro's. Its great to talk with them and have them share their experiences with me about the industry.
12) What is your personal opinion about the figure, fitness, bodybuilding industry we are in? Anything you would like to see changed?
I think that the industry is great, but I do believe that it needs more publicity. You don't hear too much about this industry unless you are in it. Its one of the, if not, the toughest sport in the world, and I would love to see more publicity. It shows you that if you can do this, other issues that come up in life are easy.
13) What has been your hardest challenge to overcome either in your personal life or competing career?
The hardest part was understanding that fact that this is a true lifestyle change and that you can not always partake in activities that your friends are involved in. Its not something that you can do for a few days and then decide to go out eating pizza and drinking. Everything revolves around the correct food and timing. Everything is planned out days ahead of time. Once you accept that this is your new lifestyle and you see the results, you don't miss the other things as much.
14) Did you make any changes to your contest prep for your last show? Water intake, carbing up, etc...
Each show is a little different depending on where I am or even my hormone levels. This show was similar to others.
15) What do you think of bikini division?
I believe that bikini is a great division for females that are not interested in building lots of muscle but building nice feminine curves without adding bulk.
16) What are your favorite foods to eat right after you compete on a Saturday night?
Thats a great one! Pretty much anything Italian!!!
17) Please tell us about how you were raised and did you have any interesting experiences while growing up?
I was raised in a very protective Catholic household. Being the only girl and youngest of 4, I was always well protected and shielded from everything.
18) Do you have an athletic background? Gymnastics, soccer, volleyball or what?
Yes, I was in gymnastics, volleyball, basketball and softball. I even played flag football in college. I was one of those sports girls. I love watching the Chicago Bears!
19) What is a typical day in the life of Aimee Cosban? From waking up to until going to bed?
Wake up, do my cardio, then make breakfast and get ready for work. I spend the entire day at work for 7 to 10 hours depending on the project, then hit the gym. Come home and make my meals and sometimes more cardio and finally, bed time. The life of a bikini competitor. Sounds like fun huh?
20) What is your current occupation? Please tell us more about it, what do you specifically do in your job?
I am currently a Graphic Designer at one of the largest design and packaging firms in the world.
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