
Issue #111


by Juan Carlos Lope

20 Questions with Cover Model Jessica Kiernan

Video Interview with Fitness Amateur Christine Ray

Jessica Kiernan, Caitlin Wheeler, Tionna Michelle, Athena Vangalis & Amy Hearon

Video Interview with Amateur Bikini Oksana Artemova and Viktoriia Azyamova Part 1

Product of the Month
by Heather Hirmer


20 Questions with Cover Model Jessica Kiernan

Jessica Kiernan

1) Please introduce yourself? What makes you special? Who is Jessica Kiernan?

My name is Jessica Kiernan, I am a 31 year old fitness coach, nutritional consultant, bikini competitor, and also author of Fierce Abs Your Jump Start Guide to Sculpt Tighten & Tone Your Abs and Your Quick Tip Guide To a Fierce Body. And creator of Fierce Abs Workout Series. I have been in the fitness industry for about 15 years now and what I think sets me apart from others is the compassion I have for each person I end up helping and transforming. Its not just whats on the outside but the inside as well. I always said I wanted to be global and reach people everywhere and I feel all my hard work over the years is starting to work towards that goal. I have a passion to see others do well, feel great and make it all possible the easiest way I can teach. I think I stand apart due to my caring nature and not treating every one as equal. We are all different and have different needs and that is what gets each person the results they seek!

2) Please tell us a bit about your family, friends and surroundings?

I grew up in Cape May Nj, this is also where I reside currently. I am a beach girl by nature. I have a small family who all live here as well and I am the only one who is a health nut so to speak! My friends are a wonderful, supportive group who have really helped me over the years in all areas of my life and they each bring something wonderful to our friendship. I cherish those bonds! They help push me when I start cracking!

3) How did you start competing in bikini?

I started Bikini Last June 2013 and did one of the biggest shows of the year. I’m the type of person who says “If I am going to work this hard on something I am going big!” So I did, and I did amazing out of around 50 girls I placed 9th in my Height class and 12th in Novice! I always wanted to compete but there was not yet a platform at the time for where I wanted my body to be or where it truly fit, until bikini came around. Once I saw it I knew I had to do it!!! I also wanted it to be about overcoming fears, personal ones, I am very shy, and being up there representing all my lady followers and fans, I wanted to show them that anything is possible! And it was a great way to meet people in the industry and hopefully progress my career to bettering people’s lives. So every step I take has a purpose.

4) What is your personal policy (not what the judges want) about conditioning and muscularity when coming into a show? Soft or hard?

I think it’s important to keep in mind it’s still new to the bodybuilding industry and there is still some confusion as to what is too much and what is not enough, so it’s extremely subjective. I believe in researching what the organization you’re in looks for each time and talk to as many people in the industry as you can to get advice. It pays off! And honestly work your tail off. I love to be lean, and muscular but still look sexy so it’s a fine balance and that’s what I try to bring on stage..I’m still learning. But girls should be a show stopper, just present, composed, fluid, and all put together 100%

5) What is your idea of what judges want in a bikini competitor? Do you think judges are clear enough with competitors about how they want you on stage? It seems in Europe they are very clear unlike in the USA and now in Canada things are confusing.

That’s hard to say, each organization is different! And to be honest its subjective Which is the hardest part about doing shows. When you’re working till no end and putting it all on the line you want to be seen up there and you want to be appreciated for it. Judges don’t want you too lean, and stringy, not too veiny, they want just a natural looking toned body. But each organization is different, some may want more body fat and some will want much less..some want prominent abs some want booty and thighs..its very unclear as of right now in my opinion… so I suggest to anyone to just research the heck out of your show and organization and choose one that suits you not the other way around!

6) For the next shows what do you think you need to work on physique-wise/conditioning-wise? If anything!

I need to work on my posing and how to tighten my muscles in those poses..maybe a bit more leaner or a shredded look for my legs..

Jessica Kiernan

7) What is your typical training routine in the gym (per day, include sets and reps!) How much cardio do you do before a show?

It varies week to week based off my gains or non gains and how my body responds to new diets…I usually do 2 body parts per day regardless, I lift heavy where I need it and lighter where I need it, reps and sets are always ever changing, I think plyos & circuits are important for woman, and add in high volume days. Woman do not understand that to change their body they must lift heavier and with the intention in mind.

8) What is your pre-contest diet? (per day, 1 week before the show)

This varies as well, 1 week out is super crazy, you never want to make too many changes because it can back fire. It’s usually 1-2 gallons of water a day, lots of protein such as fish and chicken and veggies..there may or may not be carbs in there like rice and potatoes.

9) How do you go about dropping your water before the day of the show? How much water do you drink the day of the show. Please be specific.

I begin to drop it lower each day, it just depends on where my body is at and how my hormones are etc…the night of is almost nothing except a cap full same with the day of..

10) What motivates you to train/diet and compete? Are there any competitors you looked up to?

The competition with myself, the drive to make myself better, I like to push the limits and I use it as a tool for creating my business. I want to inspire and motivate people around the world. I want to make people healthier; this is another wonderful platform or outlet to create opportunities to help me get to the next levels in my career. My go to girl is Amanda Latona. She looked a lot like me or my body type when she first came on the scene and I liked how much we are alike personality wise and she brings this great energy to the stage!

11) Please tell us an interesting experience you had at a show recently, be it a fun thing or something rather not so fun?

One thing is its always an experience for sure! I have met some wonderful people during each show and they have become such great friends. Its important to have supportive people in your circle who understand stage prep. I do remember my 2nd show which was for the OCB we had to do a T-Walk and in the NPC you do not, its totally different! I remember getting ready to get on stage and I was just so nervous and freaked out that I lost my confidence, and I didn’t place and I should have knowing how my conditioning was, but it was al presence and I lost it right before I got up there..So it goes to show you need to bring your A game!

12) What is your personal opinion about the figure, fitness, bodybuilding industry we are in? Anything you would like to see changed? 

I love the industry and I think Bikini is one that is new & growing and still needs to become more defined as to what they really want up there. But I see that changing from show to show so hopefully it will become more definitive. It’s a wonderful platform to showcase your hard work and dedication.

13) What has been your hardest challenge to overcome either in your personal life or competing career?

I would say finding the balance between the two worlds. And learning how to deal with the prep and also dealing with moderation after the shows. I teach and preach moderation to my clients but show prep can mess with your mind afterwards and staying stronger than that is important. So yeah I would say it’s a balancing act especially in relationships..Your partner has to realize and support you and you also have to let go a little and enjoy life without thinking of the word macros all the time. And also drinking. I don’t drink really at all anymore, and that’s a personal choice and usually I get haggled all the time and that becomes a pain!!!

Jessica Kiernan

14) Did you make any changes to your contest prep for your last show? Water intake, carbing up, etc...

I did yes, I did it on my own no coach, just a friend helping me here and there. I trained hard and heavy to bring my legs in better and ate chicken every 2 hours until show. No fish at all!!!!!!!!!

15) What do you think of bikini division?

Like I said before, I think it’s wonderful and exciting but it’s still in its learning process of what it wants. It’s not all clearly defined. All the organizations are so different with their expectations. I’m hoping that it just becomes a little more natural looking, less muscular since other divisions are geared for that. Keep bikini toned, firm, and strong but not too muscular. And every winner shouldn’t be just naturally petite.

16) What are your favorite foods to eat right after you compete on a Saturday night?

Mac & Cheese!!!

17) Please tell us about how you were raised and did you have any interesting experiences while growing up?

I was raised like any other normal kid. I loved my barbies, I was huge into swimming, and I didn’t eat healthy until I learned how to on my own at 16. No crazy stories I can recall.

18) Do you have an athletic background? Gymnastics, soccer, volleyball or what?

I loved swimming and volleyball but never took it to that level. I was more into weight training and getting that muscular physique. I was also too shy to do things infront of people!

Jessica Kiernan

19) What is a typical day in the life of Jessica Kiernan? From waking up to until going to bed?

When Im not in contest prep, my schedule is basic and stays the same. Waking up in a groggy state and have coffee, then go to the gym, them home to eat then I work on all my clients meal plans and workouts for the week, and any other business that needs attending to. I work on new blogs to post on my website and then I usually might go back to the gym to lift and then after I eat lots more and hang out shopping or something like that Im a TJMax girl. Then home, eat again haha and just hang around and watch all my shows on tv. Im very boring I think …

20) What is your current occupation? Please tell us more about it, what do you specifically do in your job?

Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Coach, & Author. I’m also the Founder of Fierce Abs Workout Series, a comprehensive approach to acquiring and maintaining serious Fierce Abs.  Creator of Jessica Kiernan TV on YouTube and I’m a sponsored Athlete through WarriorLabz as well as a Promotional Model for ETBFit.com.  I was also an NPC Bikini Bodybuilding Athlete in June 2013, OCB Natural Bikini Bodybuilding Athlete August 2013  My slogan is all about Fitness, Nutrition and Motivation. I’m on a journey to empower others to have a healthier more successful lifestyle!
JessicaKiernan.com is where the magic happens! Health and Wellness are my passions.  Helping others to attain great Health and optimal Wellness is part of my overall goal.  My growing online health and wellness business brings tremendous opportunities and offers unlimited possibilities for achieving great levels of fitness and health.  I offer online personal coaching, help to target individualized workout goals with plans that result in success.  I contact my clients through email, text, facetime, face-to-face meetings and offer continued contact in helping everyone achieve their goals.


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