
Issue #115


by Juan Carlos Lope

20 Questions with Cover Model Kanani Gonzales

Video Interview with Amateur Figure Kanani Gonzales

Kanani Gonzales, Kimberley Romero, Lauren Fogle, Nikki Makara & Michelle Jin

Video Interview with Amateur Figure Kristy Cisneroz

Product of the Month
by Heather Hirmer

Video Interview with Amateur Physique Natalie Bush


Editorial by Juan Carlos Lopez

Olympia is coming and we have a booth as usual, calendar should be there with our new cover model and some of the girls in calendar will be working booth!


Let's face it for competitors shows are getting more expensive, WBFF vs IFBB, well IFBB is cheaper and much more well known. But there is more glam on the WBFF so some people might want that instead even if it costs more.

Either federation you choose you are looking at a large amount of expenses when you travel out of town. Every year the entry fees go up, the federation fees goes up too. So what is my point exactly? Well first of all don't do every show out there, plan accordingly, have a 2 months window to compete, then rest and grow.

Let's say you have a show mid June and another one end of July, that is great. Don't do shows in more than 2 different months. Like June and August its too far unless its end of June and early August. But basically 60 days or so is the most you should wait between shows. Your body will try to relax and rest on its own, you can't try to force it to be perfect in a span of 4 months, you have to give it rest.

So spend money wisely, don't compete at a show which won't be your best showing, let those judges remember you at your best.

Juan Carlos Lopez

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