Editorial by Juan Carlos Lopez
Arnold came and went, very busy show this year as it was the 30th Anniversary.
As usual some new companies not even related to fitness were at expo. Other big names totally gone like BPI Sports, Gaspari, Labrada etc.. Some new names trying to be bigger but they aren't even in Vitamin Shoppes so we know they will tank.
The instamodels were missing too, many of the IG models with millions of followers weren't present. Seems like every year some dumb company wants to pay them big bucks to be at their booth in hopes of lots of traffic and increased sales. But its just a bad expense and not enough visibility. A MLS soccer game on ESPN gets you way more viewers across the country. Fitness is a niche really, you can't sell as much as computers or other wants that are almost necessities. Companies realize after Arnold or Olympia that hiring the instamodel and paying her $500 for a few hrs is a huge mistake. Some even want to charge $3000 per day! Wow! And those are not at Arnold for sure. But still amazes me to see that. A fool is born every minute but in the fitness industry is every second.
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