Editorial by Juan Carlos Lopez Welcome to another editorial! In May, the NPC announced updated one time rules for the 2020 competition season. If you placed in Top 5 in any 2019/2020 NPC National Qualifying contest you can enter open classes in a NPC National contest. It normally is only top 2 that can qualify. For the newest division of Wellness, however, it doesn't matter how you have placed, only that you have competed in an NPC Natonal Qualifying contest in 2020 prior to the National Contests that offer Wellness. This is probably due to the fact that there are not many competitors in this division yet and they want as many girls in the contest as possible. I think the whole competition season for 2020 will look so different, it is hard to grasp how many competitors will still do shows this year. With limited access to workout equipment and gyms, to the possibility of new health protocols for shows, we will have to see just how the fitness competition world will be impacted. But Nationals in Miami and the Olympia in Vegas are still on my radar for doing shoots! Stay Healthy & Safe. JC |