The Story of Heather Bear by Heather Bear I wanted to lose weight for my October 2003 wedding, so I contacted Jenny Hendershott. When I set a goal, I make sure I achieve it. She helped me loose 30 pounds for my wedding. I felt really good. I then set another goal to compete in the Spring of 2004 and continued to diet and train. I competed in 3 shows, placing in the top half of my class. I was going to compete again in the fall of 2004. I had quit loosing weight and was having a hard time doing cardio/training. I found out that I was 11 weeks pregnant. I had put on so much weight during my pregnancy, I was disgusted w/ myself. I'm 5 foot tall and put on 58 pounds. I was in Australia assisting Jenny Hendershott w/Phat Camp. I was unable to fully participate in camp because I was so miserable. I returned home and one week later assisted in another Phat Camp. I was even more out of shape. I then made another goal of loosing the weight because I wanted to compete in the fall of 2005. I achieved my goals by sticking to the diet Jenny Hendershott gave me. I trained w / 2 sets of dumbbells & a treadmill in my garage while my daughter was in her swing. I kept myself MOTIVATED. I did all the workouts that we do at a Phat Camp and stuck to it. I was going to loose this "baby weight" one way or another. Set your goals and work hard to reach them. I am a veterinary technician, nail technician, Jenny Hendershott's personal assistant, wife and mom. If I can do it, you can too. Don't make excuses, not to work out. You don't have to go to the gym to get a good workout. I took the winter off and competed again the Spring and Fall of 06. I received 4th at both shows. I am extremely excited about my placing. If you need any motivation feel free to e-mail me at Bearclaw@seidata.com or www.Heather-Bear.com. Don’t be a "MOM" who thinks she can’t loose the baby-weight. Heather
www.Heather-Bear.com |