The Cost of Competing by Rebecca Slatt
After you compete your first year, you begin to wonder, “How do other competitors afford to compete in show after show after show?” The amount a competitor spends on competing at any level can be astronomical. The cost of competing adds up fast because you are paying money not only for the shows, but for months prior to the show to prepare. In all honesty, the general public has NO clue as to how much money is easily spent while training and competing for figure competitions. Many competitors send out donations letters for community support. At the amateur level, most girls are not sponsored by major vendors and sponsors and are not seen working supplement booths at shows for money. Your donations letter should explain who you are and what you are trying to do; and explain what Figure competitions are along with what they entail. I would also be sure to include: Also, you will want to create a spreadsheet with all possible costs and expenditures for the year of competitions. You may want to include an actual cost list of expenses from the previous year so you can show a cost-comparison with the upgrades you may make. Here is a list of many expenses (make sure it is detailed): Competition suits Travel fares: Try to include a picture or two so that the business owner knows that you are a credible athlete. I like to include a competition picture or two along with a flattering model shot. Places to go for donations:
I also wanted to emphasize the importance of your reputation in your community. |