Editorial by Juan Carlos Lopez As the NHL playoffs are in progress for us hockey fans it has been difficult to leave home as most U.S. hotels will not have Versus, CBC TSN channels on their systems. Its common knowledge for those of you that are fans of the sport and know me that HardFitness stands behind the Buffalo Sabres run to the Stanley Cup Finals. Great team this year and hopefully we'll see the Vancouver Canucks in the finals as well. Into the Storm It may not be June or July now but with at least one National show down and the Emerald Cup over we can make some assumptions on what is happening to NPC national figure. Fitness is straightforward and so is female bodybuilding but figure it is become very tricky. It looks that a tiny small waist is preferred and a tight glute-hamstring tie in. At least in National level shows it seems they are looking for some muscle, great taper and they don't mind a bit of capped shoulders. But now when you throw in the winners of all classes from Jr. USA's they picked the least developed competitor it seems. Which throws all of us in confusion, there are some really good calls on class A or B for the class winners but then other classes aren't chosen the same way? Lets just say we are entering a storm and it gets more dense, with more wind, some hail and the thunder is just getting started. And lets say a southern state is carrying a big black cloud on top and it will stay there after the last Nationals. It rains a week before each National show but luckily if you bring your umbrella you might be protected but then again the wind is so strong it might just blow it away...