2008 IFBB North Americans Review by Juan Carlos Lopez
Mexico and Canada brought a large number of competitors in both male and female categories. Figure a was for Paige Oliver who with a newer criteria look took first, second was for Lavonda Ezell, third for Tiffany Moody was sporting amazing conditioning in her upper body, Misty Schaffer in 4th as always in great shape and 5th for Lily Esparza who could have taken the class as her balance and conditioning was even overall.
Class B was for Ann Pratt who has been battling placings in other shows and nailed this one. Elissa schlichter took 2nd with good muscle, Tiffany Procopio finally got a top 5, this time in third. Tiffany has one of the best physiques as an amateur. Balance and conditioning was excellent again. 4th place was for Shannon Bennett who has a very consistant physique. Nicki Pimm from Canada looked even better than Emerald Cup, showing her symmetry and even conditioning. Another physique that once she adds more muscle will get her pro card is Aleisha Hart, who has that look judges want.
Class C was for Georgina Valenzuela from Mexico who brought the exact package judges wanted, making her also the overall winner. In second was Emily Nicholson, third Orah Bigio, 4th Daphne Bascom and 5th for Pamela Soper who also has a look that judges will reward if she keeps on showing up. Standout was Stephanie Franco's physique and presentation, she could have crept on the top 5. Another great competitor is Sousan Collias who has excellent lower body to match her upper, another competitor to lookout for.
In class D Marie Ann Newman took first, second for Carrie Schindley from California on her comeback. Terri Turner who sports that great look judges want took third. 4th was fpor Stacy Boles, and 5th Lisa Peper.
Class E was for Natalie waples from Canada who received the additional pro card. Natalie Calland took 2nd, Lauren Valentino with a great body took 3rd, 4th for Holly Powell who has been scratching that pro card, and in 5th Sheri Fisher who has a nice look and will do damage in future shows.
Class F was for Kim Tilden from Canada, 2nd was Christina Dzieduszycki both of these girls from the other side of the borders always come to impress. Brandi Gardner took 3rd and as always looking great. 4th was for Jennifer Hamilton and 5th for Christian Hammond.
Now the masters figure was surely tight as most of the open women competed in it. Class A was for Lavonda Ezell, class b for Ann Pratt two for two, class c Natalie Calland and class D and overall and new pro was for Brandie Gardner.
Now bodybuilding was not as large as we could wish but still very decent. Lightweights went to lori Steele who small but has the conditioning. Middleweights was for Cheryl Faust from Michigan, Kimberly Ferrell took 2nd and third was for Johanna Dejager from Canada. Light heavy was for Jody Wald from Canda with her freaky back and shoulders, second for Michelle Brent with amazing conditioning and third for Tracey Toth who a combination of both balance and conditioning. Heayvwieghts was for Teresa Nabors who also won the overall and new pro card, Und was for Arizona's Christine Sabo and third for Christina Rhodes.
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