20 Questions with Cover Model and IFBB Figure Pro Nicole Pitcher-Scott
1) Please introduce yourself? What makes you special? Who is Nicole Pitcher-Scott? I am Nicole Pitcher Scott from Kent, UK. I have been married for 3 years and have two dogs, Beef and Onion. I am the only and therefore first British Girl to ever qualify for the Figure Olympia. I am a wife, gym owner, IFBB Pro, fitness model, and figure academy adviser. What makes me special? My family and the opportunities they have enabled me to have. I live in Kent in England, which is known as the garden of England. Hence it has lots of countryside and many castles. It is very historic as it is where Shakespeare wrote his work. We have a lot of rain here and not enough sunshine, hence it is lovely to come to the USA to catch up on the rays! I live with my Husband James and Two dogs Beef & Onion in a 200yr old Georgian house and grounds. We own a gym “Beefs Gym” where we work and train. 3) How did you start competing in figure? From a young age I loved sport, participating in Ballet and athletics. Unfortunately when I was 17 I dislocated my knee on the track and had to undergo physiotherapy for a year. I say unfortunately, but as they say there is a reason for everything in life and my injury lead me into the gym. It was here I found a passion for weights, and loved being among other fitness enthusiasts. This in turn led me to supporting a few friends at a local bodybuilding competition. It was here that I first watched my first fitness competition and began my plan to compete.
4) What is your personal policy (not what the judges want) about conditioning and muscularity when coming into a show? Soft or hard? Personally I don’t like to be soft or too hard, just conditioned. 5) What is your idea of what judges want in a Figure competitor? Do you think judges are clear enough with competitors about how they want you on stage? It seems in Europe they are very clear unlike in the USA. I aim to bring to the stage a very conditioned Symmetrical figure, (not striated) that looks the picture of health and fitness. The judging in amateur competitions in Europe is a little different to the USA, i.e. they go for a harder and fuller look. But the Pros compete in the USA and therefore set the example. So Europe should help girls by moving in line with professional judging. It is hard as many Judges at the UK nationals have never watched a Pro figure comp, so judge to European shows. This is changing though. As for what is expected of us, it is in the rules so we all can only aim for this. Well I asked you JC for advice I believe last, and you advised me to get more conditioned! I have taken this on board and hope this shows this season. J Tuman also advised me to put a little more on my shoulders, so I have worked hard on these. 40 mins cardio every morning 30 Mins cardio every evening Monday shoulders (Now 4 sets, 8 -10 reps) Wednesday Back (Now 4 sets 10 – 12 reps) Friday Legs ( Now 4 sets 30 - 40 reps)
This varies depending on how I am looking. I have changed my diet this season, using a high protein, high essential oil and very low carb. I have also doubled my cardio. Eggs whites and brown rice Due to my long haul flight, I drink water all flight i.e. approx. 8lts to LA and take vitamin C tablets every couple of hours. I also make sure I walk around the plane and don’t sit down for longer than ½ hour. So doing this for 10 hours plus is tough. I then used to carry on drinking water until 24 hrs before comp. then cut my water.
10) What motivates you to train/diet and compete? Are there any competitors you looked up to? Something within my genes makes me want to train; it is my way of life and makes me feel energetic and happy. It is something I will do forever. 11) Please tell us an interesting experience you had at a show recently, be it a fun thing or something rather not so fun? Nothing I can remember at the top of my head. Take it for what it is. A place to enjoy the best bodies in the world 13) What has been your hardest challenge to overcome either in your personal life or competing career? Lives is not perfect, so learn to accept and grown from disappointments, Family is the most important thing and comes before anything Every diet is different, one time I may eat manly chicken another more turkey. I like to keep it varied to shock my body. One thing I cannot eat, smell or look at ever again is broccoli!
15) Being in another country what do you think has been your biggest challenge in coming to the USA to compete? Traveling on my own was hard to learn to do. But I have many friends now, so it is not a problem once I am at the venue. 16) How do you balance your family life with competing and dieting for shows? Do you have a support system around you (family, etc...)? I have been competing so long I think it is just our way of life. My husband cooks all my meals which is amazing as I hate cooking. So this helps with time. I can fit my training around work, but James and my staff help out doing extra hours if I get to tired. I am very independent so I am normally told to take a rest, rather than ask. My dogs come running with me in the mornings so keep me company. 17) Please tell us about how you were raised and did you have any interesting experiences while growing up? I was raised by my parents in Kent, where I spent my childhood, with a younger sister and brother. I was lucky to spend allot of my free time being very active, running, playing games with my friends and learning ballet. I went to university and graduated with a BSC honorary degree in Sports Science. I then spent 6 months working in the USA teaching soccer whilst staying with a family, before going on to teach and write papers in Sports Nutrition for three universities. 18) Do you have an athletic background? Gymnastics, soccer, volleyball or what? I spent 15 years learning ballet. But also as a child participated in gymnastics, swimming and soccer. I get up and start my day with a cardio session. This puts me in happy spirits for my day ahead. I then have a variety of personal training sessions and diets to write throughout a day, as well as staff to manage and a gym to run. We are open for 15 hours a day so I keep busy. I try and have lunch with James and we walk our dogs and catch up After ten is family time, until we sleep, as well as Sundays. But once the season starts I am often away at events with MetRx. At weekends
20) What is your current occupation? Please tell us more about it, what do you specifically do in your job? I run my own gym, run a figure academy and work events as part of my contract for MetRx