
Issue #72


by Juan Carlos Lope

20 Questions with Cover Model Amanda Quinlan

Video Interview with Amateur Bodybuilder Jill Theobald

Kim's Kounseling Korner
by Kimberly Martin

Video Interview with Amateur Bodybuilder Cassandra Wilson

Amanda Quinlan, Valerie Torres, Yvonne Van Der Horst, Raquel Hernandez Del Olmo

Daniela Santarelli Argentina Amateur Figure Interview


Kimberly's Kounseling Korner by Kimberly Martin

Dear Kim,

The new year is starting and my biggest problem is having eaten too much over the holidays and just about now I feel like I have no way back to being in shape! My husband gives me no support in going to the gym and says I am fat! Its depressing! What can i do this new year and turn things around???

thank you,
Adriana, IL

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About the Author...

My name is Kimberly Aline Martin, but I go by the name Kim. I was born in Decatur, GA on November 1st, 1969. I've lived in Georgia my whole life and can't imagine living anywhere else. Well, maybe Hawaii...

I've been married to my best friend for over 13 years and we have two wonderful children, both boys, ages 5 and 12.
We now reside north of Atlanta and I am currently a stay at home mom.

Three things I live by:
I truly believe 'what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger'....every obstacle in life that is overcome makes you a stronger individual.
I also believe that everyone makes mistakes and those mistakes shouldn't be regretted, but embraced because they make you the person you become.
Lastly, be consistent-about everything in your life-and surround yourself with people that do the same.

If you need some advice please email me at:


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