Elite Fitness and Figure Newsletter by Greg Hasberry
July has been an incredibly busy month for current and new members of Elite!!
Sarah Hoots - not only signed an endorsement contact with ISS she went to the collegiate nationals and swept bikini F class win !!!! Way to go Hoots!!!
New Member!! - Katie Ritz: 1st place Bikini class B Rocket city classic - Huntsville Alabama
Photo shoots
Robin Fountain: Photo shoot with the very well known and popular Satio Photography
Sarah Hoots and Alisa Korn: Photo shoot with Brent Allen of Nashville Tenn.
*Need motivation to stay 5-10 lbs within your show weight?
Schedule photoshoots throughout the year and build your portfolio
Alisa Korn - Made appearance on Fox 6 news (Birmingham, Alabama) - fitness segment
Preferred Vendor List
Not all Make-up artists, spray tan vendors, or custom suit creators are created equal. Elite has long standing and positive relationships with each of these individuals listed below.
Make up :
Sylvia Smith - sylviasmith0975@yahoo.com
Meri Shelton - Merishelton@yahoo.com
Elaine Goodlad - elainefit01@hotmail.com
Spray tan:
Alisa Hostettler - hotspotsarata@hotspotsarasota.com
Michelle Owen - Uniquetan.net
Custom Bikini, figure, fitness, and bodybuilding wear:
Bambi Boutique- Sonya @bambiboutique.com
Elite Community Service and Team Building
Much of our overall everyday living as competitors consist of winning! At times at all cost! .We 're for the most part 100% focused on our contest dates , nutritional needs and plans, travel arrangements and balancing all of that with employment, familial obligations and other outside activities that make up our everyday existence.
This year will be the start of something new and annual! We'll have TWO team building projects before the end of the 2011. One! ... As a team Elite will participate in the Susan B Komen race for the cure. Fighting breast cancer and bringing more awareness to the plight of breast cancer. Two As a team our first community service project - will consist of clothing and needed item donations delivered by us to Jessie's place for women and children- 2305 5th Ave north Birmingham, Alabama 35203 - We'll determine by September if this will be a Christmas or Thanksgiving time project... Also future plans for these team building and community service projects will not be limited to the Birmingham area only but will be limited to major cities where each of us will have easy access.
It’s extremely important that we as fitness competitors and professionals enrich the lives of others through community involvement .Competitors, you never know who is watching you and who's life you may have a positive effect on.
Why do we have to eat our veggies?
When our metabolism is on fire and we are starving, veggies are a great way to hold us over until meal time. There is some fiber and water in our veggies but what about the nutritional value? When we cook our veggies we lose some or nearly all of the nutritional value depending on how long we cook and what means we choose to cook. I've found a great way to keep all...100% of your nutritional value while filling your tummy and following the rules!! You need a really good mixer. I own a Health Master. This machine will make juice out of wood!! Anyway, I will give you some sample ingredients that work well if you are prepping and if you are off season. Your diet is individualized so your ingredients will vary.
- kale
- broccoli
- cucumber
- zucchini
- squash
- carrot
- apple
- tomatoes
- celery
- peppers (spice it up if you like)
Add a few ingredients at a time so you don't overload the mixer. Add ice and splenda. ENJOY your veggies!!!
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