Melissa Johnson NPC Figure
How did you get interested in
bodybuilding/working out?
Favorite Music I love all music I have always been interested in it
as long as I can remember
How was your first show like, any interesting experiences?
Pretty scary, but I took second.
What do you like and dislike about competing?
I love the stage. I'm a leo and we love the spotlight! I don't like
having to give up pizza!!
What are your future goals in this industry?
To get my pro card and of course.....Olympia!
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
I'm a short term goal person. I have no idea. Where ever my journeys
take me.
Please tell us something special about you that most people
wouldn't know?
I can sing too. My dream growing up was to be a singer. I've played
the lead in several musicals and even went to the Art Institute right
out of High School to study music and video production.
Any additional notes? People you would like to thank?
I would like to thank my family who gets dragged along on all my wild
adventures. They have all supported me completely. I love you all very
much!! Also Lori Melton and Mike Davies for training me.
Competition History:
-2004 John Simmons Bodybuilding, Fitness & Figure Classic 2nd Place
-2004 Natural Northern USA 2nd Place
-2004 Ohio State Championships 3rd Place

Melissa Johnson
Date of Birth: 08/07/73
Born/Grew up in: Born in Big Springs, Tx , Grew
up in Sycamore, Ohio
Current Residence: Upper Sandusky, Ohio
Marital Status: Married
Height: 5'6
Weight: 125
Current Occupation: Nurse
Favorite Hobby: Working out
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Music:
Best Bodypart: Abs
Years Training: Working out for several years,
training for shows, just over a year
Email: melissa@melissa
Website: www.melissajohnsonfitness.com