Nicole Berg NPC Bodybuilding
How did you get interested in
bodybuilding/working out?
Hobbies: I let you know when I have time for hobbies between work and bodybuilding ;o)
Fave Food: BEEF!! Nothing like a fat juicy rib steak!
I've always loved muscles and knew I'd never be a skinny girl, so why not push myself? If I'm meant to have a curvy figure, I may as well keep it solid...lol
How was your first show like, any interesting experiences?
I was scared to death to stand up and let the world see my most intimate flaws, but after I heard a few friends from the gym yelling my name in support I was hooked. I was fortunate to have an awesome trainer in my corner (Gerri Deach), who helped me win the first show I entered. I was a novice heavyweight.
What do you like and dislike about competing?
I love that it's a personal battle. We have to diet hard and lift heavy and hard throughout the year to improve from our last shows. I dislike the lack of support from the media towards women's bb'ing.
What are your future goals in this industry?
To make it to the big show. I've got a lot of dues to pay, but I will continue to work towards pro status and compete as a pro, and with any luck and lot's of support be a very competitive pro.
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
Time will tell, I can't answer that right now. You never know what curve balls life will throw you.
Please tell us something special about you that most people
wouldn't know?
I am extremely greatful for my family. I love them very much and am extremely close to them. I really miss the farm life. I was raised in the country and you couldn't ask for a better place to grow up. I'm also a very sincere person. When I let someone in my tight and very small circle of friends, I am very trusting and very caring. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. Anyone outside that circle I am very skeptical about, and try to protect myself.
Any additional notes? People you would like to thank?
First of all my Dad, he's never broken my heart and has always been there when I needed him. I'd like to thank Gerri Deach for being my first inspiration and taking such incredible care of me throughout my prep. Also for our friendship throughout our bodybuilding journey. People have no idea how giving and caring she is to everyone in the industry. Also to my friends and fans at the gym and all the fans that support me through donations and supportive emails. Tre and JC for creating these profiles and keeping female bodybuilding alive.
Competition History:
-2005 NPC Nationals; 10th Light Heavyweight
-2005 USA's; 5th Light HeavyWeight
-2004 Contra Costa; 1st Open middleweight and Overall
-2004 Emerald Cup; 1st Open Light-heavyweight and Overall
-2003 Canadian Powerlifting Championships; 1st 181lb. weight class with 1008.5lb. total
-2002 Washington Ironman Natural Championships; 3rd Open Heavyweight
-2002 Washington State Championships; 1st Novice Heavyweight and Novice Overall

Nicole Berg
Date of Birth: March 5, 1979
Born/Grew up in: Born in Ephrata, WA/ grew up in a small town in Eastern Washington
Current Residence: Currently live in Western Washington
Marital Status: Single but not really shopping
Best Bodypart: I'll let the fans and the judges decide that one. However, I think my back and my legs have developed a lot quicker that the rest of my body.
Years Training: This will be my 4th year
Email: nik132@msn.com
Website: www.nicoleberg.com