Roseanne Blackburn CBBF Bodybuilding

How did you get interested in bodybuilding/working out?

Favorite Music : a little of everything depending on my mood..rockor heavy metal for the gym and light rock for most enverything else. I was trying to lose wt for the canadian nationals for boxing and was in the gym doing cardio and a trainer walked up and asked if he could train me for free since I had a great symetrical physique to work with.

How was your first show like, any interesting experiences?

NEVER use PRO TAN...I was blacker than the ace of spades and was so blotchy it was totally embarassing...I use dreamtan and yes it a nevr know I probably didn't put it on right!

What do you like and dislike about competing?

the diet as every bodybuilder in their right mind would tell you...especially when you have a sweet tooth.

What are your future goals in this industry?

I want to do fitness modeling, acting as stunt doubles in movies, and have a sponsor I an promote through my bodybuilding or fighting (mixed martial arts NHB)

What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?

being retired....ya right...I see myself well...that is a very hard question to answer. I want to be able
to not have to worry about paying the bills...Ideal would be modeling and acting full time but I still see
myself working hard for my money.

Please tell us something special about you that most people wouldn't know?

Am a pesimist (I think that is the word)...I don't believe it until I see it.

Any additional notes? People you would like to thank?

My favorite saying that i live by: Twenty years from now you will be more disapainted by the things that you didn't do than by the things you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail
away from the safe harbour. Catch the tradewinds in your sail. Explore, dream, discover.
by Mark Twain.
Too many people to thank... Wayne Henderson my first personal
trainer who got me started and took me under his wings. and my boyfriend Mike Desmarais who trains
everyday by my side pushing me to my fullest potential....he just has to stay away from the cookies and not temp me!

Competition History:
-FVF 2001 - 11th (strength and physique challenge)
-2002 ANBC West Coast Naturals 2nd in couples, and 5th in short class (BB)
-WNSO 2002 3rd in middleweight (BB)
-Body Rush Classics 2002 2nd middleweight (BB)
-WNSO 2003 5th (fitness short class)
-BC Provincials 2003 3rd middleweight (BB)
-FVF 2003 7th place (strength and physique challenge)
-BC Provincials 2004 1st middleweight (BB)
-Canadian National 2004 - 8th place out of 9 competitors! A great accomplishment
-FVF 2004 3rd place overall and 1st place in strength

Roseanne Blackburn

Date of Birth:
Born/Grew up in: British Columbia Canada
Current Residence: same as above
Marital Status: Boyfriend
Height: 5'4'
Weight: 120 competition-135 offseason
Current Occupation: Licensed practical nurse, fitness trainer
Favorite Hobby: fighting...boxing, grappling, weightlifting, tennis.
Favorite Food: coolies , cake and icecream!
Favorite Music:
Best Bodypart: Back and shoulders...I don't even really train them...I don't even train my calfs mind you and they are huge!
Years Training: 4 years



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