
Issue #16


by Juan Carlos Lopez

Emerald Cup 2006 Photos and Results

Emerald Cup 2006 Review
by Juan Carlos Lopez

20 questions with Cover Model: Shaushi Zike

Video Interview with Cover Model Shaushi Zike

Tanji Johnson's Emerald Cup Posing Seminar
by Juan Carlos Lopez

Balancing Training and a Full Time Job
by Traci Redding

Video Interview NPC Figure Michele Cogger

Shaushi Zike, Vanessa Van Overmeer, Michelle Cogger, Jill Knight and Roxana Kreklo

Video Interview with NPC Figure Vanessa Van Overmeer

Shipshape - Fitness on Board
by Rossella Pruneti

Video Interview CBBF Figure Roxana Kreklo

Building Beautiful Biceps
by Tina Jo Orban

Emerald Cup 2006 Review by Juan Carlos Lopez

The Washington area is an incredible place to visit even when it is famous for being rainy. A modern area that has all kinds of entertainment such as basketball (SuperSonics), Baseball (Mariners) and Football (Seahawks). If you want ice hockey Vancouver is not too far from there. The Emerald Cup started on Friday morning with NPC Figure and Fitness prejudging. Last year 2005 pro fitness was present but given smaller stage dimensions of the Meyenderbauer Center it didn't repeat itself this year. The expo as always was excellent being one of the shows which presents a better expo than your typical National show. The GNC (which no longer exists), Ironman's Fit Expo, Body Rock and Europa Pro show are some of the few shows which include more than just the expo with additional strongman competitions and other events of similar nature.

The show began with a slight delay at about 12:15pm and was supposed to end around 3:30pm, it ended close to 4pm on Friday. Given the number of figure competitors it was run pretty fast as there were less fitness competitors and no pro fitness portion. Masters Figure had 3 classes based on age rather than height and it seemed pretty straightforward regarding callouts and who would take each class. Over 40 winner Sheila Bratten would end up taking the overall bringing a good defined physique showcasing her abs all thru out.

Karen Patten

Fitness was very small to the point that all 2 classes and 4 all 4 competitors were placed together in a lineup for comparisons. Karen Patten bringing a strong routine and amazing physique took the overall with ease. There is some new talent coming up but the show was missing more competitors in order to make fitness stand out more.

Figure was the largest ever I believe at this Emerald Cup with close to 90 competitors divided in 7 class (A-G). This year the show had not many big names as last year meaning many of the competitors had not competed yet at National level. Perhaps last year with pro fitness being held in conjunction with NPC Figure it attracted more National level competitors to do this show. We must remember that this show is rumored to bring in a lot of pro cards to those that win their class and do very well. We only need to go back and see Michelle Flake, Anna Larsson and Amanda Savell that each one of them won their class and ended up even qualifying for the Olympia after getting their pro cards. This year the competition was fierce as with the big names gone it was up to some new competitors to make their names huge.

Kristi Tauti

Class A had the return of Sonya Adcock which was clearly the favorite to win as she has had Nationals experience. Jennifer the Joya was the other name that could do damage on stage, she came in looking fuller and looking amazing. Kristi Tauti who also took a hiatus from competing took 2nd in the class and will be one to watch for in 2006. Jill Knight took 4th and Lupe Aguilar and Kari Keenan shared 5th. Even when the final placings put Kari Keenan 6th she still looked great presenting a very fresh and young look, something the NPC clearly needs. Kari will probably excel not only in the contest aspect but also with modeling.

Tara Chandler

Class B was very close and most would have thought Halcy Duarte as the winner but Allison Jones from the east brought out a lean package that judges awarded. Halcy probably came in softer for this show probably due to judges, as she didn't look as conditioned at the Ironman win. Taking 2nd was Tara Chandler who was competing at her first show. Tara for a couple seconds passed out on stage and was helped to the backstage. Even with this Tara presented an incredible package and is another competitor to watch for.

Marga Martin

Class C was a hard class to judge given the number of competitors and also the different types of physiques. Denise Jensen who had a harder look won the class and behind Nina Schumacher who has a similar look to IFBB Pro Gina Aliotti took second. Nina has a good amount of muscle and will be a top contender at Nationals. Lynda Thoresen who had won the Excalibur in 2005 took 3rd. Marga Martin who took 4th could have placed higher even taking the class as she presented a tight and symmetric look that was more similar to Denise Jensen. Taking 5th was super model Fawnia Mondey who can probably do Nationals in Canada.

Stacy Adams

Class D was taken by Stacy Adams who just beat Marie Gibbon who took second. It looked like it could have been either Adams or Gibbon but judges chose the first. Jamie Fisher took 3rd, placing better each year and getting more experience towards her National shows. Noteworthy to mention was Jennifer Nicolas who even when placing 9th still showcased a lot of potential and was also one of the most impressive physiques at Tanji Johnson's Seminar. We could see though that the physiques were now getting more and more different and judges had now a more difficult job. Competition was a lot tighter and names weren't playing that much of a game now.

Rebecca Slatt

Class E was taken easily by Rebecca Slatt who looked her best ever. She had worked this time with a nutritionist from her hometown in Idaho. She really shined over everyone and was a clear candidate to take the overall. Tracee Simpson took second and she did get some better callouts at least in the one piece that Rebecca Slatt which probably confused the audience. Both Tracee Simpson and 3rd place Kristen Hough have had National experience and were logical choices given their physiques. 4th place Rhonda Wilkinson could have even taken 2nd as she was really impressive, she was also one of Tanji's competitors at her posing seminar. Placing 5th was Cara Wellborn who was well conditioned but smaller in size to the other competitors, if she adds some mass in her off-season she will surely get a pro card very soon.

Julie Alves

Class F was now the largest for the show including 18 competitors. It was going to be very hard for judges and most top 10 competitors had had Nationals experience but even then all their physiques were different ranging from some who had the symmetry and balance and others who had the conditioning. Klubo Flingai a totally unknown competitors took the class over 2nd place Amanda Chapman who had taken the overall at the Sacramento show in 2005. It seemed like a hard choice for the judges and it could be debated. Shari Yates came in 3rd place and keep on looking better and better. Julie Alves took 4th and is right up there, she should surely keep on it and will probably improve for every show. Bridgette Rhea who usually comes in very lean was no exception this time and judges didn't seem to like this again and placed her 5th. 6th place was taken by Shaushi Zike who for sure the prettiest suit on stage as she made it herself with the pointers of Merry Christine. Zike changed trainers to Mike Davis and has gained some size, not as tight as last year but better symmetry as she noted that as well. The rest of the class was still very strong with names like Heathre Foster, Michelle Mayberry, Michelle Selfe following closely.

Brandy Cooke

Class G was 12 competitors and judges were probably tired by this class. They still had an interesting class to judge. 1st was taken by Brandy Cooke who is sisters with Amanda Savell. This really is interesting as without knowing their family ties I really thought she resembled someone else I had seen compete in the pro ranks. Angela Stuber took 2nd and is one of the best young competitors out there, she has lots of potential and will probably do very good in the future. Now the rest of the competitors presented similar characteristics and made it much harder for the judges to place them evenly. Between MJ Coluccy, Tori Mann, Mindy Schaneman and Emma Callaghan the point spread was probably more even and it went out for smaller details perhaps presentation or suits. This show is really competitive this year and still presents great competitors.

Candy Canary

Bodybuilding had a larger number of competitors than fitness and it exceed expectation of some of the people there. Lightweights were taken by Jennifer Valdez who had good size. Gina Parise could have also taken 1st, as Gina had a more compact and shredded look. Roseanne Blackburn took third and had a great routine at the finals showcasing her martial art skills. 4th place was for Cindy Goodrich who together with Blackburn had both competed Friday as figure competitors. The rest of the class wasn't as sharp but this is not a National show but a Regional one. Middleweights were Karin Kimura who showed both femininity and a very defined physique. She only needs to add some size and she can easily contend the top competitors at National level. Second was Kimberly Agnew who had the size but wasn't as defined as Kimura. Heavyweights was were things were very easy, Candy Canary won the class and when seen on stage was going to take the overall. Candy has both definition and a lot of size, she is ready for USA's in July and probably can do Nationals in Miami later in the year.

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