Editorial By Juan Carlos Lopez Once more another editorial, this one is longer due to the number of activity in the industry. This is just the beginning of a long stream of shows that will last until mid August. We are covering perhaps a few more shows this year in an effort to bring you better information and more competitors to give exposure to. Lesson Learned? This is perhaps a great topic for those of you that train/diet competitors or that are personal trainers. Even people in general can relate to the sentences herein. Achieving a goal consists of many steps, first is posing it as a problem and seeing what needs to happen for that goal to be accomplished. For me as a hardware engineer I write down an algorithm of what I need to do, break down the problem into pieces and solve each individually, then put everything together and make sure it works. For someone who is prepping someone for a show, diet, training, last week contest, mental preparation and other details have to happen. The coach outlines from having seen the physique what needs to be done. There are competitors that will not follow the diet or not do what they are told, once on stage they will not look good because they didn't complete all the necessary steps to achieve that goal. Now recently a female bodybuilder was prepared by a power lifter for a show and the result was far from a female bodybuilder or even a figure competitor. Lets just say a sailor can't teach you to pilot an F-15 Eagle or any aircraft. So once the main source, the coach does not know the area the person is training for that is a major problem. This person's fear was not looking good at the show and that fear became true. Lesson Learned? Once in a while we all learn something so next time you don't do something well or fail to achieve a goal take that as an important lesson specially in this industry which is very demanding.