Ask Misty by Misty Green This is my 3rd time around trying to train and diet for a show. I always feel like I get off to a strong start but half way into it I loose site of what I’m doing. The diet starts to get to me, I’m too tired for my workouts and I start to ask myself if this is really worth it. Then for some reason or another I quit. I hate quitting and it’s usually only a few weeks later that I feel so guilty and don’t know why I gave in. How can I stay focused and on track? I just feel like such a loser because I have yet to follow through. Well, Kentucky, there is no need for you to feel alone. This can happen to anyone, especially when you loose site of why you wanted to do something in the first place. The daily regimen of diet, training, cardio and work can sometimes drain us physically and mentally. And just maybe there are times where we feel so drained that we question ourselves. Question what we are doing and why we are doing it. It is in these times that we have to remember what our goals were in the first place. Whether you are competing or just wanted to live a healthier lifestyle or just wanted to drop a few pounds, it is always important to set goals so you have a way to measure your improvements and re-evaluate those goals as you reach them. When setting your goals it’s always good to look at where you have been, in order to help you know where you are going. We all make mistakes, we’re human, but what makes us stronger is the ability to take those mistakes and use them as tools to learn from. Here are a few tips:
Now that you have gone through the process of setting goals, writing them down and sharing them, it’s important to review whether daily, weekly or monthly to keep you on track and help you continue to visualize yourself reaching them. Every time you make a decision during the day, ask yourself “does this get me closer to my goal”. If yes, then you’ve made the right decision and if no, then you know what needs to be done to fix it. By getting into the routine of doing these things, it can help you on your way to achieving the success you want, mentally and physically! I hope this helps. Stay strong and train hard! "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."