Thermogenics I have researched the idea of taking thermogenics. From the information that I have gathered and based on my own personal experience I have concluded several pros and cons described below. Thermogenics have been extensively promoted and used with the goal of aiding weight loss, enhancing sports performance, and increasing energy. However, it should be noted that there is no evidence on the critical question whether there is a long-term weight loss effect that would translate into significant health outcome improvements. The few studies that assessed the effect of ephedrine on athletic performance have, in general, included only small samples of fit individuals and have assessed the effects only on very short-term immediate performance. These studies did not assess the impact of thermogenics as it is used in the general population. Some of the other benefits that thermogenics claim to provide include stimulating your metabolism resulting in energy boost, fat-burning control, enhanced mental drive and appetite suppression. A lot of thermogenic supplements contain ephedra which is an adrenaline-like stimulant that can have potentially dangerous effects on the nervous system and heart. This has been associated with higher risks of mild to moderate side effects such as heart palpitations, psychiatric and upper gastrointestinal effects, and symptoms of autonomic hyperactivity such as tremor and insomnia, especially when it is taken with other stimulants such as caffeine. There is also the risk of nausea, vomiting, change in mood and anxiety. All of which I have personally experienced when taking even the smallest doseage. Ephedra has been linked to strokes, heart conditions, kidney desease and other serious diseases. It has even been attributed to death. Recently, the Department of Health and Human Services announced a series of actions designed to protect Americans from potentially serious risks of dietary supplement products containing ephedra. As a result, there are several thermogenic products on the market today that are ephedra-free. It's been said that most problems with thermogenics
are due to overdosing, especially under the conditions of strenuous
exercise. If you use thermogenic supplements, do so in moderation and
follow the directions of a knowledgeable health professional. |