Women and
Strength Training The popularity of strength training has grown tremendously for women. Strength training should be part of every woman’s life on a regular basis. The positive benefits are helping women, both young and old enjoy a healthy and productive life. Each day, I’m amazed by the number of women who venture into the gym, eager to learn how to lift weights. The positive effects of strength training for women
include: Decreasing the risk of osteoporosis is a great benefit of strength training. Improving the quality of muscle, bone, and ligaments is important at any age. Physical activity done during the younger years will build greater bone density for later years, when a woman reaches menopause. Although, it’s never too late to start strength training. The loss of bone density can be decreased by beginning physical activity at menopause. Increased flexibility is important in preventing falls, therefore preventing hip fractures. Having strong bones and muscles also aids in avoiding low back. Physical activity improves self esteem. Depression and anxiety can often be relieved by physical activity. Endorphins are released with exercise, therefore mood and sense of well being are enhanced. Increasing muscle mass is a positive factor also associated with weight training. One pound of muscle mass burns approximately 50 calories per day at rest, while a pound of body fat burns approximately 5 calories per day. Decreasing body fat is a positive benefit of strength training. Obesity is a serious risk factor for cardiovascular disease and many other serious diseases. A healthy diet combined with exercise is crucial to loosing body fat. Activities of daily living are made easier with more muscle mass. Tasks such as shoveling the driveway, mowing the lawn, carrying groceries up the stairs, doing laundry, cleaning, and opening jars are just a few daily activities that require strength. Several jobs require strength such as chiropractic, personal training, welding, ranching, mechanic work, gardening, plumbing, just to name a few. And come one ladies, in our crazy world today, you better be strong! Crazy things happen everyday and you better be well prepared! A decreased risk of morbidity and mortality are attainable by incorporating strength training into your life. The risk of deadly diseases such as heart attacks and strokes-whose main risk factor is inactivity-can be greatly reduced via strength training. Heart attacks and strokes are the leading causes of death in the United States. Although women have a decreased risk of heart disease compared to men, women’s risk does become equal to men at menopause. The chances of developing heart disease increase dramatically if an individual has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and inactivity. Luckily, exercise can decrease if not eliminate all of these risk factors. Studies have shown that the risks of ovarian, cervical, uterine, vaginal and colon cancers are less in active than inactive people. Women need to perform strength training to increase
bone density before it’s too late. Strength training greatly decreases
the risk of osteoporosis. Self image and mood enhancement are a benefit
of strength training. Increasing muscle mass via strength training improves
the bodies ability to burn fat. The increase in muscle mass inevitably
leads to a decease in body fat. Activities of daily living are made
much easier with increased muscle mass. Morbidity and mortality are
decreased by strength training. Strength training as a younger woman
leads to increased bone density and health for when a woman reaches
menopause. It all adds up to a healthier, happier life in the present
and longevity in the years to come. |