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20 Questions with our Cover Model Antonia Grady 1) What were your expectations for the Nationals? How did you feel after taking 2nd in the short class? After placing 5th at last years nationals in the Fitness Medium class Sandra Wickham (my trainer) and I set some goals. One of the goals was to place top three this year. I did not have any expectations because I think that can set you up for disappointment. There are many variables that effect your placing for example; not knowing who will show up, a mistake in your routine or a bad tan. I was thrilled to place second! Myriam is a wonderful competitor who has made fantastic improvements, She has great presence, attitude and a routine that is on another level completely. Tracey is a great competitor with awesome routine skills and exceptional conditioning and stage/show experience. I was very excited to be compared with them and very happy with my final placing. 2) If you remember at the finals the tall class winner (who went to take the overall) won by one point. Some competitors scored lower (better) than the overall fitness winner who scored a 33. How do they tally up the points to determine the overall winner? From what I understand the scoring is relative to each class, and can not be compared across classes. 3) What is your next show? What other shows will you be attending? I will be competing at Nationals next year, I have not yet decided if I will competing at any other shows, depends on many things I am trying move to the coast in the next few months so I can be closer to Sandra and focus on training. I'm planning to watch the Alberta and BC Provincials this summer and perhaps go to the Olympia in the fall; I have only been once before and would love to go again! 4) What is your personal policy about conditioning and muscularity when coming into a show? Personally I like moderate to big muscles and pretty lean, I don't think we should come in as extremely dry and hard as I feel that's what body building is for . Although I think it looks pretty darn cool! I place a lot of importance on good muscle size, even conditioning from top to bottom, hourglass shape, and good symmetry. 5) What is your idea of what judges want in a competitor? We see a well conditioned and proportioned Mindi O'Brien as an example to follow. Do you believe this is what judges want? In the USA sometimes judges do not award muscularity. Well like I said it looks pretty impressive when a competitor is well developed has muscular size, great conditioning, and great proportions; it is pretty hard to take your eyes off of them whether or not its what is being looked for. I think our judges take everything a competitor has to offer into consideration, everyone has strengths and weakness, obviously they like to see adequate muscular size and development, good conditioning, proportions and symmetry. In the routine, high energy with polished clean and crisp skills that's entertaining and has capacity to capture an audience. 6) For the next shows what do you think you need to work on physique-wise/conditioning-wise? For my next show I will continue doing much of the same, will work on my shape and maturing my muscles. I plan to come into my next show a little leaner and tighter! 7) What are some of the competitors you most admire in Fitness, Figure and Bodybuilding and why. I admire ALL fitness competitors for having the guts to do it! A few that stand out are first off my trainer Canadian IFFB Fitness pro Sandra Wickham for being Canadian, talented and also not having dance/gymnastic background and still kicking butt! (that's why I picked her!) Others include Adela for making such great improvements in her routine during the last few years (also a non-gymnast –– this gives me hope!) Jen Hendershott because I was fortunate enough to take part in a Phat camp and train with her she is an amazing lady and because of her phenomenal physique improvements and of course her out of this world routines! 8) Please tells us an interesting experience you had at Nationals? Well last year I got a great smelling""bunk"" bottle of Pro tan and it would not I repeat…… would NOT go into my skin! My boyfriend at the time was applying it for me, he was very concerned and wanted to do a very good job, by taking his time with the little foam applicator... that alone should give you a good indication of what happened LOL! Since the stuff would not soak in after a few hours and only like one and a half coats later he was understandably was getting irritated as was I. Being the day before the show I was hungry and thirsty tired of standing, being naked and getting repeatedly dabbed with that darn cold brush, any how it ended in quite a dispute, he yelling at me for not preparing my skin properly before he started putting on the tanner (I did in fact do everything properly) and me at him for taking so long. As a result we were both tired mad and managed to get quite a lot of pro tan splattered around the hotel room. Learning from last year, this year did all the tanning myself and got my friends to do my back! 9) What motivates you to train and what motivates you compete (go thru the harsh diet, water and carb depletion)? Thinking back to how badly I wanted to be a fitness competitor, how far I have come, and where I would like to take my fitness is a huge motivator. I daydream about it everyday. I think about my role models and picture myself on stage next to them. I love training the feeling of a good pump in my muscles the satisfaction of mastering new routine skill, how I feel when I eat clean. Fitness is my lifestyle, train hard, eat well, rest lots! My personality is very competitive and I thrive on competition, I have this crazy need to be working or training towards something. I love being on stage performing a routine I have a lot of fun doing it and I enjoy showing off my hard work, I love knowing that in this sport you will get out what you put in that it involves all aspects of you life, that each show is different and has it’s own challenges and the rush and sense of accomplishment on stage is amazing! The diet does not bother me I pretty much eat the same in season and off season, like I said I like it and it makes me feel good. The only time I struggle is a few weeks following the show, I like to think all good food will vanish within 24hours, other than that I'm okay! I stay in pretty good shape in the off season, so when it comes to dieting its not so bad. During carb and water depletion I'm so excited about competition that I don't even really think about it. 10) Who makes your competition suits? Please tell us more about them. Cynthia James made my suit, I absolutely love it, she is awesome and does great work! Check her out at: 11) You were able to present different styles when shooting, muscle, sexy, powerful, cute, etc.. You won the HardFitness cover model search how did you feel about it? What do you think of HardFitness Online Magazine giving out these types of opportunities to athletes? I was very excited to have won the cover model search! I was very anxious about it and have never entered a competition like it before. I thought I’’d try just to do something different, thinking I won’’t have a chance to win unless I try! As it turns out I had a blast doing the shoot (even at 9pm at 5 degrees in the mud by the river LOL!) I brought a ton of outfits, finally an opportunity to wear them! JC was funny and easy to work with I was very comfortable and had lots of fun being ""sexy, powerful and cute!"" 12) What is your personal opinion about the figure, fitness, bodybuilding industry we are in? Anything you would like to see changed? I'm happy with the fitness, figure and bodybuilding industry. Fitness and figure are great, I realize there is disputes on what figure or fitness should look like, the thing of it is that these are subjective sports. They are subjective to what the judges think fits the criteria- laid out by the federation they are judging for, the best, that day, in that class. As for bodybuilding, I am just simply mesmerized by bodybuilders and admire their discipline and commitment, and stellar physiques! At the very same time I am concerned about the extremes they have to go through to achieve what is awarded. 13) Speaking about the industry please tell us about the bodybuilding scene in the Canada? Is there much support for the sport, internet coverage, sponsors? Good question! Were I live, the very south east corner of BC there is only a handful of competitors distributed between fitness, figure and bodybuilding, not much support expect of course the individuals family and friends –– thank goodness we have internet to stay connected the fitness world! In Kelowna, Fort St. John and the lower main land there is a bit more. Fitness and figure has really picked up the last few years with Sandra Wickham and Ross Webb training many girls, running their own show the Sandra Wickham Fall classic in November, and also taking over the BC Bodybuilding federation. I anticipate fitness, figure and bodybuilding to continue growing and improving. I feel there is sufficient coverage with only having provincial and two national level shows per year. We have one show for fitness and figure and one for Bodybuilding. More shows and coverage would always be appreciated! Unfortunately I don't know about other provinces, Alberta seems to have strong interest and high numbers quality competitors as well! 14) What is the largest show in B.C.? How many competitors do you usually get? The biggest show in BC is the Sandra Wickham Fall Classic held in November with 110 athletes last year. 15) What is your opinion about the 20% rule the IFBB issued to some female athletes? Why do you think they did it? Do you think competitors will follow it? Or it will get lost around somewhere? I like that the IFBB has asked for 20% less muscle in female athletes for various, the ladies will look more aesthetic and feminine and is most likely safer and this change will make competing a little more attainable for more athletes, also it may bring more interest to FBB, I feel many ladies have backed away from FBB because they do not want to have to get that big to do well at a show. I think they athletes will follow it! 16) Somehow the Nationals promoter this year ran the show really early in the year way before provincials, hence the small amount of competitors. Prejudging started at 9am and ended at 11:20am. Now that is short for a National show. What do you think of the organization of Nationals this year compared to last year's? Better to have less competitors? Both ways has its advantages and disadvantages. I was disappointed that there were so few competitors, but I feel the quality of competitors was good! I was kept well informed got all my information and felt the show ran smoothly from all I could see! Last year was a very large show and things were different due to a the different features/ set up of the venue and such a large number of competitors, again last years show went smoothly and quickly despite the number of competitors. 17) Please tell us about how you were raised and did you have any interesting experiences while growing up? I come from a German family and although I was born in Canada, my sister and I were raised speaking German at home. We live on an acreage and had lots of animals, a few cats, one sweet hound dog, sheep, rabbits, goats, a cow, you name it we've had it and one time or another! I have also had two horses. Interesting experiences: going hiking Mothers day with my mom, six years ago and getting lost in the forest in prime hunting territory for cougars and Grizzly bears, on a wet cold night. I wish I was kidding…… but at one point I woke up and my foot was getting sniffed by a bear! I thought I was going to die, I had been so cold I could not feel anything below my knees or in my arms, but when I opened my eyes and I saw the bear I was soaked in sweat and so hot I thought I would explode. I stayed as still as possible and anticipated the pain of when he would start his dessert…… I squeezed my eyes shut and waited, praying, and staying as still as possible, next thing I remember it was morning, and my limbs were numb again! 18) Do you have an athletic background? Gymnastics, soccer, volleyball or what? My athletic background is in distance/endurance sports, I used to cross country ski race for the BC team, and ran under Mike Moon a middle distance running coach for the Kajax Track club in Burnaby and University of British Columbia track team. My distance was the 5000m but also ran in 3000m and 10000m races. I have also successfully ran a few ½½ marathons and ran the Munich City Marathon in Germany! I still ride horses competitively in the off season. I ride in western pleasure, equitation, and trail classes, and lung line and halter classes with yearling and weanling halter horses. 19) What is a typical day in the life of Antonia Grady? From waking up to until going to bed? My typical day looks like this: 7am hit snooze button several times; get up shower, do make-u, hair get dressed. 8am breakfast, pack food for day, get books ready drive into town 9-4pm School; I'm in school for nursing, over lunch I run any errands. 4pm Go to the gym workout stretch. Usually get home at 5:30-6pm clean up six thousand Tupperware containers, will spend evening doing mostly homework, sometimes on the phone / returning emails, cruising discussion boards or watching a few minutes of TV occasionally I get time to take my hound dog for a walk. 9-10pm I go to bed! Not very exciting, but I like it and with so much school work I don't have much choice! 20) Last one I promise... What is your current occupation? Do you have a fitness related business? If so please tell us more about it. Right now I am a full time nursing student, I work part time at a gym, Synergy Fitness Systems Training Center as a weight trainer. I also do a little bit of personal training on the side for general weight loss. My school goes thru the summer and I will be finished in September, I then hope to work on an acute floor in a hospital.
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