Cycling by Shelly Pinkerton
As a figure competitor, one of the most frequently
asked questions is “What is the hardest thing about preparing for a
competition?” Without a doubt, my answer is diet. For many of us in
the bodybuilding industry, this is the most difficult part of our lifestyle
– which makes sense; after all, it’s our love of weight training that
brought us to the sport in the first place, so it’s not as though we
don't enjoy the working-out aspect. And the cardio? Well, that, too,
is something most of us figure girls enjoy, even though it can get a
little tedious. But the diet…therein lies our biggest challenge. Ironically,
the nature of our sport does not lend itself to a suppressed appetite,
and the nature of human beings is to indulge themselves. The combination
of creating a strong physical need for fuel (training) and enjoying
good food makes for some pretty serious capacity for eating. However,
in order to get to step on that stage in top form, there is more than
a modicum of dietary self-control and discipline required to bring in
the physique needed to present a competitive package. And, combined
with the vast array of packaged and fast-food options that have become
to prevalent in our society, the challenge to maintain a clean and balanced
diet can be tough for even the most resolved competitor.
Naturally, competitors are always looking for the dietary route that
is going to get the needed – and desired – results while trying to balance
out their bodies’ dietary cravings. There are many, many, MANY different
theories and techniques to dieting for show preparation, some better
than others. What may be the most key element is to find the one that
works best for you in whatever particular stage you are currently in
in your preparation. There are the basic standards to keep in mind;
lots of protein, fresh veggies and clean carbs, no matter how you put
them together, are a must. But the design of one’s diet can change many
times over. It is important to get to know your psyche as well as your
body when planning a diet. Take some time to think about your history
of eating; is food a big deal in your family? As a child, how did mealtimes
fall into the family routine? Was food the pivotal point for good times,
or used to fill space, or simply seen as a means to an end? Did your
parents enjoy eating and share that joy with you? Maybe too much…or
too little? This “eating history” determines how your mind and body
will react to the strict disciplines of a competition diet, and it is
in your best interest to understand how you will step up to the challenge
and plan for it. I think it is safe to say that for most competitors,
it is the denial of the “feel-good” foods that is the most difficult
to deal with. Although we feel great and look great as a result of eating
super-clean, to deprive ourselves of that which makes us feel good can
work against us, sometimes to the point of failure. While it is good
to practice self-control and a positive training affect to overcome
our weaknesses, we must not deny the fact that we are still human –
and humans need that gratification found in foods we enjoy to present
a positive and healthy image. So, with this in mind, one of the methods
of maintaining a consistent competition-prep diet without the stress
of denial is to cycle carbohydrates.
Whereas cycling carbs is by no means indulging in the forbidden foods
of our fantasies, by design, a carb cycling program is meant to give
you something to look forward to. The cycling carbs theory focuses on
daily manipulation of carbohydrate consumption. There are typically
four types of “carb days” and they vary only by the amount of carbohydrate
that is consumed. They are the high carbohydrate day (high carb), the
low carbohydrate day (low carb), the medium carbohydrate day (med carb)
and the no (approaching zero) carbohydrate day (no carb). Depending
on how many meals per day your are taking in and what your carbohydrate
requirements are for that point in your preparation will determine how
many low, medium and high days you will have and in what combination
you need to have them. On your zero, low and medium carb days, you are
doing the critical work of taking down those fat levels while maintaining
(or building) lean muscle tissue. Most people find themselves anticipating,
if not salivating at the thought of the upcoming high carb day. It is
a psychological reward, satisfying your emotional need to eat. It makes
the more strict days of the diet bearable.
Keep in mind, every competitor is different, so your particular combo
may not be the same as the next competitor’s; it is critical to know
your body and know your food counts to determine a starting point for
carb cycling. You should also give yourself time and a margin for error
and adjustment – if you have never done this before, keep in mind that
you're trying something new and it make take some tweaking of the program
to get it right. And, as always, having the guidance and assistance
of a seasoned trainer who is familiar with the process can take a lot
of the guesswork out of setting up a diet of this nature.
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About the Author...

Shelly Pinkerton CPFT & National-level Figure
I grew up in rural northern California
where extracurricular activities were few and far between - I
can remember my mom driving two to three hours a day to get me
to gymnastics and ballet lessons. Naturally athletic and blessed
with good genetics, I involved myself in all school sports and
cheerleading, and when I started college at CSU, Chico, I found
myself joining my first gym and learning about weight training
– I was hooked!
After my son was born in 1992 I
became certified to teach group fitness and shortly after attained
my personal training certification. I have been working with people
to improve their lifestyles ever since. In 2004, after a difficult
move to Southern California, I accepted a new challenge – figure
competing – and found renewed personal satisfaction and success.
I plan to continue to share my passion for fitness with others
by helping them develop their own happy, healthy lifestyle through
my personal training business, BodyWise Total Fitness, and through
my experiences in figure competing. |