Issue #3


by HardFitness

2005 Arnold Classic Review by HardFitness

2005 Arnold Expo by HardFitness

2005 Arnold Fashion Show
by HardFitness

2005 SF Pro Review
by HardFitness

ATTENTION: 2005 Canadian Fitness/Figure Nationals Cover Model Search prizes awarded!
by HardFitness

Andrea Dumon Hardfitness sponsored athlete for the Emerald Cup
by Andrea Dumon

What you need to know about using Prescription Supplements for fitness/figure competitions (an article about steroids and pre-contest stacks)
by Anonymous

Women Seeking Leg Definition by Abby Eyre

Arms Training by Kristi Wills

Glutes Training
by Andrea Dumon

The Line of Competitive Obsession
by Shelly Pinkerton

Lynsey Beattie- Ahearne Video Interview Footage from the SF Pro Show

Road to Canadian Bodybuilding Nationals: Kim Birtch, on Training and Water Depletion
by Kim Bitch

Pictorials featuring Lynsey Beattie- Ahearne, Michelle Troll, Emery Miller, Mandy Polk, Stacy Hylton

Surviving the Post Contest Blues
by Brittany Thorsch

Stacy Hylton Video Interview From the Olympia 2004

Show Schedule for 2005
by HardFitness

Interview with Rhonda Riley by HardFitness

Will Compound and Abdominal Exercises Thicken my Waist? by Asha Menon

20 Questions with our cover model Lynsey Beattie- Ahearne
by HardFitness

Strut that Stuff
by Shelly Pinkerton

Tanning and Bikini Bite
by Kristi Wills

Nubian Princess (Anabolic Steroid Use of a Female Bodybuilder)
by Anonymous

Bodybuilding Christine Brandon Video Interview Footage from 2004 Dallas Nationals

Rhonda Riley Interview After the SF Pro Show

1) What were your expectations for the San Francisco Pro show being this the first time they had Pro Figure? What did you think about your placing?

A: The San Francisco Grand Prix was promoted this year by John Lindsay and Steve O’Brien. Being from California, I know these two have a lot of successful shows throughout this state. John Lindsay promotes the California Pro figure show as well, which was an absolute blast last year. So I knew going into we be in great hands. Besides placing so well, this was the most enjoyable pro show I have done yet.

I can definitely tell you that from how I have finished in the past, I was a bit surprised to receive 5th place at the San Francisco. To be up there with some of the top females was like a dream.

2) It looks like you could qualify for the Olympia? What are your next shows?

A: Wow... You Know hearing that is something I didn't expect to hear for a few more years. To qualify and compete at the Olympia is definitely my ultimate goal. It would definitely be a dream come true. I did have my competition schedule planned out for the year, but because I finished so well at the San Fran, it changed everything. I was going to do the Cal next, but my husband and I decided to do the Pittsburgh a few weeks earlier. If I happen to qualify there for the O, than I might not do the Cal. We will just have to wait and see…

3) What is your personal policy about conditioning and muscularity when coming into a show?

A: Good question. My personal policy is to maintain my femininity. With figure you can come in a bit too lean, which I think make your face too hard and your body flat. Personally I would like to stay on the curvier side versus being ripped. It just looks healthier..

4) For the next shows what do you think you need to work on physique-wise/conditioning-wise?

A: I know the judges want me a little bit sharper than my condition at the San Francisco show. I plan on bringing a more polished Rhonda to the next shows.

5) Tell us a bit about what you did training/diet/supplementation for this show? What did you change from the NY Pro Show in August of 2004?

A: Well I am super religious when it comes to my contest prep. Kim Oddo with Body by O, is my training and nutritional advisor. Every year as my body changes so does my diet and training. Last year for my contest prep, I had more food and my metabolism raced the whole time. Starting at 12 weeks out this year, my metabolism got off to a slow start, so we took a lot of the carbohydrates out. At 5 weeks out, my body started flying down in weight. As far as training goes, nothing has really changed from last year. I think because I am 23 now, my muscle maturity is starting to show. Patience is a virtue when you start young in this sport. After 4 ½ years of competing, I am finally starting to like the way my muscle is looking. It has only gotten better and better as I get older.

6) What is your personal opinion about the figure, fitness, bodybuilding industry we are in? Anything you would like to see changed?

A: I feel that competing in this industry is a great self discipline. To me nothing feels better than to step on stage, and feel an overwhelming sense of self accomplishment.
It seems like every show is judged different. You never know what look they want on any particular day… I would like it if they changed it, and told us specifically what they are looking for at each show, when or before we were prepping for it. It would be a great stress reliever, to know specifically what condition to come in. Also I think there should be a recorded athlete representative meeting with the judges, once or twice a year. At this meeting, the athlete rep, would bring collected questions, concerns, and ideas from his/her fellow competitors to be answered. The judges could also specifically disclose any new rules at this meeting. Copies of this recorded meeting than would be mailed out to each IFBB athlete.

7) What is your opinion about the 20% rule the IFBB issued to some female athletes? Why do you think they did it? Do you think competitors will follow it? Or it will get lost around somewhere?

A: I think the 20% rule is great. Obviously they want us women to maintain our femininity. I feel if they didn't enforce this rule, women would keep getting bigger and leaner. They need to have a limit. Right? Also, I would like to think that they made this rule because they care about our health. This rule is definitely something that is going to come and go, for us women, just like it has in the past.

8) Many people don't realize it but you are very young and already a Pro, how old are you? What is your key to success?

A: I am 23 years old, and I have been competing since 2000, when I was 18. Figure wasn't even around when I actually started. I did fitness then, which was fun… I received my pro card in figure at 21, at the 2003 Junior Nationals.
Patience, hard work and keeping positive have been the keys to my success. Every year since I have started, my body has gotten sharper and sharper. When prepping for a show, I look at my body as my grade and the training and diet as my homework. If I do my homework I will get a good grade…

9) Do you have an athletic background? Gymnastics, soccer, volleyball or what?

A: Believe it or not, I had to beg to play sports as a child. My parents weren't use to females playing sports. When I was a child, I was a natural on a pair of roller skates. After a year of begging, I was put into figure roller skating. I kept it up for a couple of years until high school when I found soccer. I loved being an athlete in high school and playing soccer year around. I loved it so much that I took weights in P.E. as an elective and I was also a teacher’s aide for P.E. just so I could lift in the weight room. That's really where my leg development came from. Believe it or not I was voted best legs in my senior class..

10) What is a typical day in the life of Rhonda Riley? From waking up to until going to bed?

A: Wow…Where should I start? I am a student right now so, it really depends if I have college that day. My stomach usually wakes me up around 7:00 a.m.. I prepare my meals before I leave the house. In no particular order, I go to college, do homework, sprinting, tan, nap, or go to the gym to lift or do cardio... Some where in between all of these I find the time to eat chat with my friends, answer emails, and spend quality time with my husband… I like to stay busy.

11) What is your current occupation? Do you have a fitness related business? If so please tell us more about it.

A: Currently I am a student… Thanks to my wonderful husband for letting me go back to school and still compete, while he works. As far as a fitness related business, I do pre contest preparation consultations for amateur athletes. I cover everything from tanning, makeup, hair, suits and stage presence with posing.














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About the Author...

Rhonda Riley

Rhonda is an IFBB Figure Pro competitor who just placed 5th at the SF Pro show. Based out of Roseville, CA she is making her mark in figure.

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