Close Grip
Bench Press by Sandy Grant
Video Clip Models: Sandy Grant & Shausi Zike
*Please refer to the video clip for a demonstration. Exercise demonstrated
with the Straight Bar.
The “Close Grip Bench Press” is a compound exercise.
This exercise can be done using either a straight bar or an E-Z-Curl
bar. It is a great mass building weight lifting exercise for the triceps.
It is also a great way to build triceps strength, which will help increase
your bench press. Bodybuilder’s use this exercise mostly for triceps
mass & for added bench press strength to hit their max reps. For
women or average fitness enthusiasts who do not want to put on size,
this is still a great exercise to build a nice muscle base shape &
provide strength needed for other chest or triceps exercises. For your
specific program, just adjust the weight; sets & reps that will
best suit your wanted results. This exercise is similar to the bench
press but with a more narrow grip concentrating on the triceps &
inner pectorals.
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Beginning Position:
1. Lay lengthwise & face up on a flat bench. Ensure your feet are
planted firmly on the ground & your back is flat against the bench
at all times.
2. Hold the Straight Bar or E-Z-Curl Bar above your chest (similar to
bench press) in an overhand fashion with your hands at shoulder length
1. Keeping your elbows close to your body, lower the bar slowly to your
chest. Lightly touch your chest and then press the bar back up slowly
to the starting position focusing on the triceps.
2. Repeat movement.
1. Do not let the bar bounce or rest on chest when lowering the weight.
2. Keep the movement smooth & controlled at all times.
3. Have someone there to spot you as you go through the movement.
4. Focus on your triceps & inner chest.
5. Make sure you inhale as you lower the bar and exhale as you press
the bar upwards.
Muscle Groups being worked
· Main Muscle: Chest (Pectoralis)
· Secondary Muscles: Triceps (Triceps Brachii)
Shoulders (Deltoids)
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Video Demonstration
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